Leadership VOICE Chat

Watch this short Video before booking in!



What Others are Saying about working with Christine in this course

Danielle Marggraf

Mindset and Manifestation Coach

I clarified my Message and up-leveled my Confidence in speaking and in sales and brought it $64,000 in just 90 days together! The money and speaking opportunities keep coming long after this course ended!

If you know you need to using your VOICE and start Owning your Message, and mastering your unique Self-Expression, this investment is a no-brainer!

Suzie Carpenter

Amazon Best Seller,

Speaker & Coach

 Christine's approach isn't like any other coach I'd ever worked with before. With her as my coach.  This deep integration of owning my calling and worth also ignited my voice in a whole new way. My coaching skills have deepened into with this intuitive knowing and so as the way in which I show up on stage.  She helped me to go from a handful of views on my Facebook livestream videos to 45,000+ in just a few days!

Denise Dominguez

 Working with Christine has literally changed my life! My business & I have been growing. I’ve had the biggest income months in my business ever! My message is clearer now and women reach out to me and become my clients. It's been a crazy good experience working with her. She has been SUPER Supportive beyond what I could ever imagine from a coach. Her love & support has anchored me into my growth.

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